Sunday, October 18, 2009

WANTED: Time Machine

I want a do-over! To go again. To live my life over and do it right, the second time. Well, at least different than I have up to this point. We've all heard the popular saying, "If I only knew then what I know now, I'd do it all so differently" or something to that effect. Good ol' hindsight, most definitely 20/20. While it would still require implementing this experience gathered from a lifetime of good and bad choices, for the most part no one wants to make a mistake or make the wrong choice on purpose. Unless of course, you're hungry for negative attention and abnormally high stress levels.

So as I tried to figure out how I was going to go back in time and re-live my life, first thing I did was go to Google. Hmmm, what keywords should I try first? Time Machine? Nothing showed up. Time Travel? Still nothing. Re-Do my life? Nope, nothing again. Undo and remove all my lifes regrets and live the life of my dreams? Strike four! No decent returns to speak of, just some pics and quotes from the movie "Back To The Future" which we all know that being a movie, more than likely it's not exactly reality. Looks like no matter what, I wasn't gonna be able to go back in time and undo all the mistakes I've made. All the regrets I have can't be erased as easily as I had hoped and so I will have to look at them as learning experiences rather than mistakes. And maybe I can use these experiences to allow me to make bigger strides forward rather than baby steps.

Hmmm, so how do I go about living with myself, my life 'as is', from this day forward? Since the past is the past, over and done, shouldn't I just let it go and move on? As we all know, that isn't always as easy as we might think. But while I still suffer repercussions in my life from previous events, circumstances and decisions, there truly isn't much I can do about it at this point. As far as the future is concerned, I have little influence over that as well. Of course, keeping in mind the decisions I make today can have somewhat of an effect on my future, I can't focus all my attention there either as that will not allow me to give the proper amount of focus on my 'NOW'. And after all, isn't today the most important day of all? Heck, it better be. It's the first day of the rest of our lives and to be honest, it deserves the majority of our focus.

Ok then, since we are starting from right now, how can we live the rest of our lives with a better result, a more pleasing outcome? Keep in mind that this is assuming that you would like to change a few things from your past, have another chance to make a few different choices in your life. Now, I would have to think that there are some people out there that are 110% satisfied with everything in their lives, all their choices and decisions worked out exactly as they had planned and all the results were everything they had expected. But chances are, if that sounds like you and your life, more than likely right now you are on the beach in Tahiti or looking out over the Mediterranian from the patio of your villa in Greece and not reading my blog. But for the rest of us 'normal folk', there has to be at least one or two things that we would like to change about ourselves and our lives, provided we could.

Then I began to think about time itself, all the time that has gone by and more specifically as it relates to age. Is it too late for me to change my life? A friend of mine had recently made a comment to me regarding my age, as it related to a specific situation and how my age would cause me to look at things differently than she does. In essence, it involved something to the effect of "remember back when you....." Basically involving how old I am in comparison to her. I'm sure she meant no harm whatsoever and had no idea that it would even have any effect on me at all but it definitely got me to thinking. And when I start thinking, that ususally leads to trouble because that's when I start writing. As we all know, age is a relative thing. Others like to say that age is just a number and while I would like to believe in that one a bit more, I have to admit I have trouble wrapping my head completely around it. While I certainly realize that there are plenty of people in this world that are younger than I am, on the other side of that I would have to think that there are others out there that are older than myself. Ok, so many of these people are in Assisted Living facilities but they are still older than I am nonetheless. While I do have quite a bit of experience, I'll be the first to admit that I forgot to grow up, still feeling as if I'm 18 but unfortunately that isn't reality. However, I can't get behind the mindset that it's too late to change my life, too late to live the life of my dreams.

Therefore, I will continue to blaze a new trail, a new life path, continuing to manifest the life of my dreams. After all, it's up to me to build the life that I want to live. No one else can nor will do it for me and more than likely, they would have no idea what I want for my life and all I hope to get out of it anyway. So again, it's up to me to make it happen. That's not to say that I'm not interested in any input from 'outside' sources. Perhaps, as I write this there is a rocket scientist of sorts, an 'Astronaut Farmer' as it were, a true entrepreneur tinkering away in a barn somewhere out in the midwest, putting the finishing touches on his [or her] Time Machine. I'm open to hearing about someone that fits this description so if anyone out there knows somebody like this, please feel free to leave me a comment in the box below. I'll make sure to get back to you immediately, if not sooner.

But until that day comes, all I can do for now is to just move forward in my direction of choice, doing my best to learn from my previous decisions, both good and bad, reaping the benefits from the few smart decisions that I've made and learning from the mistakes I've also made along the way. Most importantly though, continuing to stay laser focused on creating a better future for myself, a life of my dreams. So if you happen to see a guy in shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, sitting outside a small Cafe in Paris, typing away on his laptop, come on over and say Hi. It just might be me.

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