Sunday, August 22, 2010

Do Dreams Have An Expiration Date?

Lately I find that I'm having to ask myself this question quite often. I mean, does there come a point when you just need to say forget it and push the delete button? I'm not so much referring to the dreams that you have while you're asleep, who on earth can make any sense of those?

The dreams I'm referring to are basically daydreams, the ones that inspire you, motivate you, the unexplainable forces that drive you forward without any apparent reason. At least the reasons aren't apparent to others. Noone else can see what motivates us on the inside.

If they could, it probably wouldn't be a good thing as people, for the most part, aren't usually very supportive of someone elses dreams and aspirations. Nope, it's much better to keep your dreams to yourself or if by chance you're lucky enough to have a significant other that is totally behind you in everything you do, then perhaps you can spill the beans to them.

But you have to be careful because for the most part, others want you to do well in life, follow your passions, live your dreams but only up to a certain point. Once your life, in their eyes, becomes better than theirs, then it's time to throw a bunch of negativity your way in an effort to knock you back down to reality. Or at least the reality that they want you to be living.

But if dreams actually do have a deadline of sorts, that would really suck. To know that if your dreams don't come true in a certain amount of time that you'll have to chuck 'em, just throw them away. Erase them from your thoughts. That would be like throwing all of your hope right out the window. And where the hell would you be without hope?

Pretty much nowhere. Hope is more than likely the main ingredient in all of our dreams. Hope is the basis for everything that drives us forward. Striving for better. Better lives. Better relationships. Better everything.

Surely hope can't have an expiration date for if it did, we'd all be in big trouble. To lose ones hope, even worse, to just give up on hope pretty much spells disaster. If not the end of the road then I'm sure you can see the end of the road from there.

Oh, to lose all hope can be an inner defeat that is very hard to recover from. At least from my experience anyway. It wasn't but a year or two ago, if even that long that I had pretty much lost all of my hope.

Long story short, I basically lost everything I owned along with quite a few other things that I didn't actually own, I just had a ton of money invested in them. And if this wasn't bad enough, along with all my possessions went all of my hopes, my dreams and my motivation.

Yep, right down the drain, never to be seen or heard from again. Whoosh, every reason I ever had for getting out of bed in the morning was gone. My worst fear was coming true.

Losing your stuff is one thing but when you lose your why, it's a whole different ballgame. As long as you have your motivation, you can always get your stuff back. But without motivation, you're basically over and done. Destined for a life of zero.

Luckily for me, I didn't give up and I've been able to recover a good amount of my motivation. That's not to say that I don't struggle with it daily but I am getting better and staying on a forward path. Most of this has come from remembering that no matter what, I can't give up.

And as I've gained back most of my motivation, slowly but surely my hope is beginning to return as well. Hope for a new beginning, for a better future, for a better life. And I'm super grateful for this because without motivation and hope, it's pretty much couch time from here on out. That's if you're lucky enough to have a couch you can lay on.

But even though things are starting to go in a more positive direction, there are still so many missing pieces to my life puzzle that it's not always easy to remain focused and keep my chin up as they say. While some days are more difficult than others, it's still a decision I have to make every day. Keep on pushin' forward or just pack it in?

If I sit there and just think about all of the things that are missing in my life, all of the things that I had hoped would be a gimme by this time, then there's no doubt I'm gonna be disappointed. Completely understandable I would think.

So that's why I can't allow myself to sit there and think about what I don't have. Instead, I have to continue to concentrate on what I do have and what, if I continue to work hard, I WILL have in the future.

Speaking of future, this brings me back to my original question regarding dreams having an expiration date. This doesn't so much apply to any of my previous dreams as I actually only have two that have survived all of the melee of the last couple years.

One that I constantly struggle with, finding myself unable to let go of but I know that at some point in the near future, like it or not I will be forced to come to grips with making a decision. I remain hopeful that before I have to make that decision, the outcome that I desire will manifest itself and I will be able to consider it a dream of mine that actually came true. Fingers and toes crossed, that's for sure.

The other dream, as it turns out has a much better chance of coming true now than it ever had of materializing in my previous life. It's kinda strange how that worked out. Kinda like the last domino standing, remaining by default.

Ok then, along with rebuilding my life I'm finding that I need to make a new Dream List. Sounds a bit crazy as all throughout our lives, dreams just seem to come to us from who knows where. It's not so much that we have to create them, they just seem to be born from our passions, our desires.

But what do you do when almost all of your life long dreams have been wiped out basically overnight and you're forced to start a new list? You can't just fill it up with all those old dreams. Most of them no longer apply. Either they bring with them a sour feeling or they are no longer applicable to your new life.

Luckily for me I still have two dreams I can hang onto. Well, one for sure, the other is either going to manifest itself soon or I will unfortunately have to remove it from the List. One way or another, that will only leave me one and luckily, the remaining dream covers alot of territory so it would take quite alot to either have it completely manifest itself or to be removed.

It's not like there's a DreamMart or a House of Dreams that you can just bring in a coupon and pick up a few dreams. Nope, not gonna be that easy. I'm gonna have to do some soul searchin' to come up with some new ones. That, and I hope that my new life will entail some new experiences and along with those experiences will come new dreams.

Dreams that I have yet to even imagine. Knowing that I'm a major Dreamer, I have a pretty good feeling that I should be able to come up with something worthwhile before too long. Something outrageous enough to be considered unobtainable which is basically the description of one of my dreams.

And as far as dreams having an expiration date, it's possible but I'd like to think that it's entirely up to you whether they do or not. I think the safest bet is to treat them like a gallon of milk at the Grocery Store, they put the newest containers at the back of the rack. So I guess I have no other option.... but to KEEP DIGGIN'!

If you can relate to creating new dreams, I'd enjoy hearing about it and if you enjoyed this Post I'd appreciate it if you would share it with your friends.

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