Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Attraction.... Either It's THERE....Or It Isn't

Attraction: A force that, exerted between or among bodies, tends to make them approach each other or prevents their separating.

Sounds so simple but in reality it's anything but. It's a natural feeling, a trait that all of us posess, the ability to be attracted by and to other things, living or otherwise.

Whether it be people, places, things, it really doesn't matter what it is. We are all different and as such, we are attracted to different things. Thankfully the world is full of so many exciting and wonderful things to keep us occupied for all of eternity.

On the other side of that endless supply of attraction is a trade off of sorts. As we all know, right along side attraction comes desire. That's when it gets to be a bit more difficult. Difficult to not let that attraction for whatever it might be get ahold of us, driving us straight down the road to misery merely because we can't obtain whatever it is we are attracted to, that thing (or things) we desire.

This isn't to say that attraction and desire can't be good things because they surely can be. They give us purpose, drive, motivation, all of those reasons that we need to pursue our goals, to chase after our WHY. Ah yes, our why.

Why do we get up in the morning? Why do we bother to get out of bed? Why do we go to work and struggle through all of lifes trials and tribulations? Why do we continue to ride this roller coaster of highs 'n lows? If we don't have a why, we're pretty much not going to get very far in life....if anywhere at all.

Our why can also be the basis for our goals. Without our goals, how would we ever find a direction, a path in which to begin our journey? Why would we even bother? If there wasn't anything waiting for us at the end of the rainbow, nothing to achieve, no fuel for our passion, then why even get started. Might as well lay around on the couch all day, doin' nothin'.

Motivation is also affected by attraction. If we are attracted to something (or someone) we're much more likely to go after it, to take risks, to go out on a limb to make it happen. Yes, motivation plays a huge part in what we achieve in life and again, without it, tons of couch time is sure to be in our future.

I also believe that the Law of Attraction plays a huge part in our lives. While some of you might think it's just Mumbo Jumbo, I firmly believe that if you put your effort into thinking positively about what it is you really want out of life rather than concentrating on all the negative stuff you don't want, your life can and will be changed for the better.

Sure, there's a pretty good chance that a naked Genie isn't gonna pop out of a Lamp any time soon but that's not to say that some good things aren't bound to come your way. Along with good thoughts, some form of action is also required to make any positive changes in your life but the combination of those two can and will pay huge dividends in your future.

Why not give it a shot? After all, what have you really got to lose anyway? I can't think of anyone that couldn't use a bit more good stuff happening in their lives. Even the wealthiest people on earth want more out of life. That's what keeps them motivated, driven to succeed. They all have a why that drives them to do more, to be more, to live more.

Attraction is also a huge force in our relationships, those that we've been in, are currently in and those that we would like to be in. After all, what else motivates us to even think about risking our most precious resource, our hearts, in such a way? If we aren't attracted to someone, why take a chance on having our hearts stepped on, mangled and thrown away like a worthless piece of nothing? Way too risky, wouldn't you agree?

And knowing this all too well, Match just happens to throw some bait our way, telling us "It's ok to look", knowing damn well that we're gonna look! And once we look, we're pretty much screwed at that point. That's when good ol' attraction kicks in and we see someone we want to know better. And then it's on!

All the inner turmoil begins, the angst, the anxiety, all the questions start brewing in our minds and in our hearts. Should we take it to the next level and contact this person? Lay our hearts on the line? What if they reject us? Even worse, what if they don't respond at all? Damn attraction! Gets us every time.

While some people find it's enough for them just to be wanted, to be needed by someone, I myself find that it's even more difficult to find a connection that is mutual. A connection to where both of us feel the same about each other.

While I might not be the greatest catch in the world, I'm surely not the worst either. I mean, have you heard about our overcrowded Prison system? Ok then, there's gotta be someone in there that's not as dateable as I am. HA!

And so I feel that it's my decision as to whom I choose to pursue. I truly believe that attraction HAS to be mutual. I think deep down inside we all want someone to desire us and want to be with us as much as we want to be with them. Nothing wrong with that at all.

And I also believe that attraction can't be manufactured, either it's there or it isn't but it it's not up to us to decide. Like happiness, it's an inside job and so the Universe is just gonna have to take care of it.

Whether we want to admit it or not, I truly believe that the initial spark as it were has to be there right from the start. We all want butterflies and to a certain degree, we can hope that a caterpillar will eventually do its thing and blossom into a wonderful winged creature, fluttering inside our tummies but still there are no guarantees.

No guarantees that we'll ever find that mutual attraction. Does it mean that we should settle for less than we want out of a relationship? Should we just give up? In my opinion, hell no! I think that the minute you settle for less, less than what you want, less than what you deserve, you will always be disappointed.

We all want to be loved, it's only natural and I for one believe that we were never put on this earth to be alone. And it's attraction that will keep us moving forward on our quest, our quest to find our Life Partner, our Soulmate as it were.

So thankfully, attraction is just there, like a built in GPS. A part of our being, part of our Soul, a driving force within us because without it, we'd surely be lost.

If you have any thoughts on attraction that you'd like to share, I'd enjoy hearing about them and if you enjoyed this Post, I'd appreciate it if you'd share it with your friends.

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